I feel a sense of suffocation or an inability to breathe when i first saw this artwork as she is submerged neck deep. The girl seems to be confused and her legs trapped.
A girl is standing in the ocean with her head above the surface. She is looking at the fishes from above the surface. The girl's legs is not shown and seem to be in another "layer" of water.

There are 5 goldfish, 2 looking directly at her. On the ocean surface, there are 2 white boats. Her hands and fingers seem to be reaching out for the fishes.
As the girl has her head above the surface, the fish seem much closer to her than it really is. The artist is trying to portray how human beings prefer to solve problems/issues using the route that seem the easiest (the girl's head position, allowing her to breathe easily) albeit ineffective. (Shown by her hands reaching out for the fish)

The girl then stays put in that position although submerging her head underwater would enable her to catch the fish much easier. Similarly, sometimes by taking a slightly more difficult and different route, one would be able to solve a problem faster.

The different water levels also show the steps that one has to take in order to obtain a solution. The first layer is your 'legs' where you would have to decide which step to take.
My first response is similar to my analysis as the girl is trapped looking at her problems from the same angle. She might also feel frustrated and suffocated as she cannot seem to get to the root of her problems.
Zhongwen Yu
A painter from Beijing, China
Exercise A
This machine acts like a water bottle where all you do is add water and it will expand your brain by 5 times and every single idea you have ever thought of in your life will be recalled. When this happens, your brain can combine or modify ideas to generate new and brilliant ones.
Exercise B
Device That Enhances Your Creativity
Tutorial Exercise Report
- Artwork shows multiple and gigantic objects stuck in a tree
- Context of artwork: Kite stuck in tree, boy throws many objects into tree to get kite out
- Ended up with a bigger mess (even more items stuck) --> Could have searched for another more effective solution
- Can be compared to rashness of trying to solve a problem and ending up with more to deal with & its repercussions